New Trends in Web Design for the Folded Screen

  • 7 Min Read
  • 2023-01-13 10:16:46

New Trends in Web Design for the Folded Screen

We are all aware that the current era is one of modernization and digitalization, and now we have the addition of the new trend of folding screens.

What precisely are folded screens, how do they operate, and where are they used?
We can get folded screens, laptops, mobile phones, etc...
With foldable screen technology, users can now get larger screens without sacrificing the portability of their devices.
Ease of multitasking: Foldable smartphones can take multitasking to a new level as these devices allow users to run three screens simultaneously.
A foldable phone is the convenience of a smaller phone without compromising the screen size. In some cases, the full-screen size is actually even larger than on a traditional device.

Web Design Trends to Pay Attention to in 2023-

Despite the overwhelming progress in the field web designers has already achieved, coming up with outstanding ideas and spectacular techniques. Let’s have a look at the 5 trends in website design that will reign supreme in the domain in the upcoming year.

1. Unconventional Scrolling-
What is the function of scrolling? Naturally, to reveal more of the page, but also to stimulate site visitors to keep scrolling and see what comes into view next. This second mission is handled inadequately by the traditional vertical scrolling, which seems too simple and boring for those who want to stand out and impress. That is why such a commonplace scrolling technique is increasingly replaced by something unexpected—like horizontal scrolling, for instance. Users swipe sideways or drag the scroll bar to see the information to the left or right of the central screen.

As a result, instead of letting the viewer’s eye cross the screen in two directions, a 3D effect is created when a person is taken inwards or outwards during zooming.

2. Kinetic Typography
Forget about text as a static element of the web page. Contemporary website trends speak of text that moves, evoking the film technique of animated opening titles. Kinetic typography on the web page immediately captures the viewer’s attention. It can be employed to guide the visitor over the site, highlight important elements or sections, and gradually expose information to be consumed in the desired sequence.

3. Custom Pictures-
Even if they aren’t animated, illustrations can add to a unique concept of your site when they are custom. So no more stock images, since web design trends in 2023 dictate originality in creating your brand style. 
4. Blending Photos and Graphics-
Among the latest trends in website design, photos are still one of the staples among image types. You can have the best of the two worlds by overlapping graphics on photos. Such a technique will allow you to display creativity and add a touch of fun, thus promoting visitor engagement.

5. Game of Colors-
The chromatic aspect of web design offers a wide field for experimenting. Color trends will be popular in 2023.

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